Introducing Eagle Eye - Grow your DevTool by engaging with content
Monitor 10+ developer platforms, including GitHub, Reddit, Stack Overflow, to discover and engage with relevant content.

Introducing Eagle Eye - Grow your DevTool by engaging with content

Jonathan Reimer
Jonathan Reimer
CEO & Co-Founder,

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90% of developers visit online communities to get help when they are stuck (Stack Overflow, 2020). It’s safe to say that communities are the lifeline of the developer world. It’s where developers explore new products, ask questions to peers, and make buying decisions.

However, starting and growing developer communities around your DevTool is hard work. Developers don't respond well to traditional marketing. They don't like to be sold to, are active on specific social platforms, and trust their peers more than anything else. Therefore, ads, whitepapers, or cold emails have notoriously low conversion rates. 

What does work well is building relationships with developers based on common interests. One of the most effective ways to do this is to spot content related to your DevTool and insert yourself in the conversation.

Introducing Eagle Eye

With Eagle Eye, we’re introducing another Growth app that lets you discover and engage with the most relevant content in your developer niche. Eagle Eye continuously monitors 10+ developer-focused platforms and generates a personalized feed for you to jump into discussions and add value. If you demonstrate expertise, developers will get curious and check out your profile, learning more about your DevTool. The psychology is easy: If you have domain authority and help them, they will likely assume that your DevTool will help them too.

Eagle Eye comes with support for GitHub, Twitter, Reddit, DEV, HackerNews, Medium, Stack Overflow, YouTube, ProductHunt, Kaggle, and Hashnode. You can monitor for an unlimited amount of semantic and exact keywords and receive the results in our web app or straight into your inbox.

The cherry on top: With AI replies, we generate drafts for your comment as thought starters. We recommend only taking the AI reply for inspiration and still adding your voice to the comment. The success of Eagle Eye depends on the expertise and authenticity you convey. LLMs usually have less context than you do.

How we use Eagle Eye at

To set-up Eagle Eye for our own use at, I simply followed these steps:

  1. Set-up search settings with the keywords that are relevant for us (Community Building, Developer Relations, Community-led Growth, and also “” as a brand keyword)
  2. Pick the posts that I want to engage with
  3. Leave a thoughtful comment that adds value to the conversation (our AI replies can help you get started)
  4. Watch my community and DevTool grow through the organic traffic of the comment 

Disclaimer: We highly recommend not to directly advertise your product or spam people! Developers hate this kind of behavior, and it can rather harm your reputation. Please see Eagle Eye as a tool to discover opportunities where you can show your unique expertise.

Summing up

Eagle Eye will help you to never miss a discussion in your developer niche or even about your product. It’s an organic and systematic way to grow your DevTool and will bring you a long way in developer adoption if used consistently. 

Another use case that we see is that DevRel’s & community managers use the content from Eagle Eye to cross-post it to newsletters, communities, or social media channels. It can even be used to refine your own content strategy.

To try Eagle Eye out for free, create a account and set up your keywords in less than 1 minute. You’ll start receiving the most relevant content developers are talking about directly in your inbox and only have to build a habit of engaging with it for just a few minutes a day. If you have any questions, please feel free to join our Discord.

PS: We're hosting a product spotlight on Feb 28 where we will show how to best work with Eagle Eye. RSVP here.

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